Snap2IMG 2.0
nap2IMG generates contact sheets (also known as thumbnail sheets or image index) for folders on your hard drive. The result is a larger image containing thumnails showing all the images in the folder. It can process a single folder or a complete folder structure, automatically generating a sheet for each subfolder. A large number of options allows you to style the sheets to your own liking.
* Process a single folder or all subfolders
* Filenames automatically reflect the source folder
* Handy preview feature for testing various settings
* Change thumbnail size and aspect ratio
* Show header, footer and filenames, with individual font settings
* Texts can be customized using <tags>
* Set background color and texture image
* Draw solid, dashed or dotted borders around thumbnails
* Change page margins and thumbnail spacing
* Portable
* Freeware
Example Scenarios:
* Index image folders that you don't have readily accessible, for example external harddrives and CD's.
* Upload to forums to preview linked attachments.
* Keep as a memory of image libraries you don't need or want anymore, before you delete it.
* Easily share thumbnails with friends
* Upload contact sheets to your homepage
* Create a showcase image for all icons in an icon pack