Store Manager for OpenCart
tore Manager for OpenCart is a desktop application for quick and efficient OpenCart store management. You can add, delete and update your products, categories and manufacturers, automatically upload your product images while editing products, categories, manufacturers, view reports, orders, export products, backup/restore database, manage multiple stores. All this from your desktop computer.
Store Manager for OpenCart was designed to enhance the functionality of default admin web interface, bring new features, automate routine tasks and simplify everyday operations.
With the help of Store Manager for OpenCart you can create and manage your categories, products, manufacturers; create reports on your sales, add or manage customers, track customers' orders. Also you can export categories, products, customers, orders into the files of .xls, .xml, .html formats.
Store Manager for OpenCart is an handy desktop application in installation and usage. Running it you have to select a few options like: to create shortcut or not, to install plugins and report tool etc. - basically, you need to click next a few times. Thus, it doesn't require any special technical knowledge to run and you can focus on implementing your e-commerce ideas.
-New report has been added. Now you can print price labels for OpenCart products
-Previously OpenCart customer could not be created if there was no customer group. Now you can add customer without assigning it to certain group.