Super8Pool 1.0
he first free game ever that allows you to win real money. Play the game and collect Berries by winning. Exchange your Berries for real money. Play against opponents around the world or compete with your friends in private rooms.
In the beginning of the the game 16 balls are on the table, respectively 7 striped, 7 coloured, one black ball and one white ball.
The players move trying to score striped or coloured ball with the help of the white one. When one of the players scores a random ball, the sort of the ball becomes the sort of the player. The player must strike only the balls of his own sort in all the remaining time. If the player properly score the ball, he repeats the move.
The game continues until all 7 balls of the player sort are scored and then. After completing this step, the player can stroke the black ball.
The player who scores all the balls of his sort and the black ball first wins the game. If the black ball is scored before the right time, the player loses. If the player makes a mistake, the opponent may put the white ball in any place of the table and strike it in any direction.
Which are the mistakes a player can make?
The white ball falls into a pocket without touching any ball of the player sort.
During the first move, the white ball touches the opponent ball or the black one.
The player is running out of time before taking a shot in his advantage.
Not letting 4 balls hit the rail during the opening/breaking shot.
In addition, if the black ball is scored with a mistake, the player loses despite the fact that all 7 balls of the right sort are scored.
At the end of the game, if the final winning shot of pocket the black 8 ball results with the white ball also pocketed, the opponent wins the game!