A-PDF PPT to EXE
    A-PDF PPT to EXE (PPT Screensaver Creator) is a simple, lightning-fast and powerful desktop utility program that lets you to convert PPT file to professional EXE file or screensaver file. The EXE (.SCR) file can be copied to any computer and run
  • A-PDF Photo Exif Editor A-PDF Photo Exif Editor 1.4
    A-PDF Photo Exif Editor
    A-PDF Photo Exif Editor a professional tool to view, edit, remove or create Exif (or metadata) data in images. As the best assistant to edit & modify images information for photographers, image pickers
  • A-PDF Password Security A-PDF Password Security 3.8
    A-PDF Password Security
    A-PDF Password Security is a desktop utility program that lets you change password security of existing Acrobat PDF files. It can handle either single or batch documents. Another convenient features include password pool and hot directory.
  • A-PDF Photo Collage Builder A-PDF Photo Collage Builder 1.6
    A-PDF Photo Collage Builder
    A-PDF Photo Collage Builder is an all-in-one photo collage software lets you create photo collages, digital scrapbooks, posters, invitations, greeting cards and photo calendars within clicks
  • A-PDF Password Security Service A-PDF Password Security Service 3.7
    A-PDF Password Security Service
    A-PDF Password Security Service is a windows service program which is running in the background. The service monitors folders you specified. As PDF files written in the folders, their password sercurity will be changed according your settings.
  • A-PDF Page Master A-PDF Page Master 3.9
    A-PDF Page Master
    A-PDF Page Master is a simple, lightning-fast desktop utility program that lets you organize your PDF document Pages.
  • A-PDF Page Size Split A-PDF Page Size Split 3.4
    A-PDF Page Size Split
    A-PDF Manual Split is a simple, lightning-fast desktop utility program that lets you split your PDF documents into pieces based on page size.
  • A-PDF Page Turner (Flip PDF) A-PDF Page Turner (Flip PDF) 3.0
    A-PDF Page Turner (Flip PDF)
    A-PDF Page Turner allows you to batch build professional flash flip Books from PDF with the "page turning" effect for both online and offline use in minutes.
  • Blank And Secure Blank And Secure 7.91
    Blank And Secure
    "Blank And Secure" is a portable tool to securely delete the data. Secure delete files are required to block the recovering of deleted data. Secure deletion is possible with this program, because "Blank And Secure" overwrites the
  • Poker Challenge Poker Challenge
    Poker Challenge
    This enjoyable card game cleverly blends the rules of poker with solitaire. The game is easy to learn, fun to play, and extremely addicting! Countless hours of entertainment and challenge are packed into this unique game.
    A-PDF PPT to EXE
    A-PDF PPT to EXE (PPT Screensaver Creator) is a simple, lightning-fast and powerful desktop utility program that lets you to convert PPT file to professional EXE file or screensaver file. The EXE (.SCR) file can be copied to any computer and run
    A-PDF Photo Exif Editor A-PDF Photo Exif Editor
    A-PDF Photo Exif Editor
    A-PDF Photo Exif Editor a professional tool to view, edit, remove or create Exif (or metadata) data in images. As the best assistant to edit & modify images information for photographers, image pickers
    A-PDF Password Security A-PDF Password Security
    A-PDF Password Security
    A-PDF Password Security is a desktop utility program that lets you change password security of existing Acrobat PDF files. It can handle either single or batch documents. Another convenient features include password pool and hot directory.
    A-PDF Photo Collage Builder A-PDF Photo Collage Builder
    A-PDF Photo Collage Builder
    A-PDF Photo Collage Builder is an all-in-one photo collage software lets you create photo collages, digital scrapbooks, posters, invitations, greeting cards and photo calendars within clicks
    A-PDF Password Security Service A-PDF Password Security Service
    A-PDF Password Security Service
    A-PDF Password Security Service is a windows service program which is running in the background. The service monitors folders you specified. As PDF files written in the folders, their password sercurity will be changed according your settings.
    A-PDF Page Master A-PDF Page Master
    A-PDF Page Master
    A-PDF Page Master is a simple, lightning-fast desktop utility program that lets you organize your PDF document Pages.
    A-PDF Page Size Split A-PDF Page Size Split
    A-PDF Page Size Split
    A-PDF Manual Split is a simple, lightning-fast desktop utility program that lets you split your PDF documents into pieces based on page size.
    A-PDF Page Turner (Flip PDF) A-PDF Page Turner (Flip PDF)
    A-PDF Page Turner (Flip PDF)
    A-PDF Page Turner allows you to batch build professional flash flip Books from PDF with the "page turning" effect for both online and offline use in minutes.
    Blank And Secure Blank And Secure
    Blank And Secure
    "Blank And Secure" is a portable tool to securely delete the data. Secure delete files are required to block the recovering of deleted data. Secure deletion is possible with this program, because "Blank And Secure" overwrites the
    Poker Challenge Poker Challenge
    Poker Challenge
    This enjoyable card game cleverly blends the rules of poker with solitaire. The game is easy to learn, fun to play, and extremely addicting! Countless hours of entertainment and challenge are packed into this unique game.



Software related to mm

Meta Changer
Meta Changer
Meta Changer

An essential free utility provides mass update summary information from all types source documents. It is easy to choose file or list of files and define necessary metainformation.


Fileaze is a tool for batch tasks operating on files, folders, FTP, e-mail and HTTP sources. It can copy/move/rename/delete, change attributes, text-replace, zip/unzip, enc/decrypt, FTP, e-mail. Full support for RegExp, external commands, scheduling.

File Grabber
File Grabber
File Grabber

File Grabber saves any information about files in any format into the clipboard. Save file path and name along with fields like dates, size, comments, title, etc. Create catalogs of music and videos; disks, zip disks, CD's and DVD's.

File Information Editor
File Information Editor
File Information Editor

The File Information Editor enhances your productivity by allowing you to easily update the Comments, Subject, Category etc. fields of any file on your system in an easy to use spreadsheet.


CPIde is a lightweight powerful integrated development environment for Gardens Point Component Pascal. It is used to develop Pascal / Oberon-style software for the Microsoft .NET framework.

Pocket SpamFilter
Pocket SpamFilter
Pocket SpamFilter

Pocket SpamFilter is the PPC 2002, WM 2003/SE/WM5/WM6 application that helps you keep your email account free of spam. Reduce your bandwidth usage by inspecting your email account before downloading. Powerful email filtering.


eXpertMarketer: plug-in for ThoughtOffice Brainstorming Software. Like IdeaFisher QBanks, has 100s of expert-level questions by leading marketing execs. Guides your process, triggers associations from your existing ideas, & builds new association

RadioBOSS Std
RadioBOSS Std
RadioBOSS Std

If you are looking for an efficient way to automate music playback in your place or your own radio station, radio automation software RadioBOSS is your choice! Be the boss of your business and let RadioBoss take care of the grooves around!


BrownRecluse is a programmable spider. It lets download web pages (or files etc.) and save them to your HD (or display them) in just a few lines of simple code. But this isn't it. BrownRecluse lets you scan and manipulate the data.


Join hundreds of satisfied customers who compile their scripts and batch files with Vbs2Exe. Enjoy the safety in knowing your source is protected. Vbs2Exe can create executables in form of windows services or windows applications!