View My IP 2.0
irst of all you would know that which Internet you are using on your Computer how is it connects with web. First of all you contact to nearest ISP provider such BSNL, Airtel, Vodafone, some else it'll give you an IP address for your Computer it may be any class A If you are using internet in any company you need a router. May be you are using Internet Data card then obviously you want to know your IP. Then You have problems that view my IP from router now what we do we connect your Computer to the console port of router then use command prompt type show IP route Command then you see your Router's IP. ISP provides you dynamic IP address for Computer It may be Wi-Fi or by Ethernet cable (Cat5). Now no need to have these problems SEOCLICK brought you free desktop show IP address tool which is easy to install & get your Computer's IP while a moment. Whether you are using Internet from wireless or Bluetooth you get an IP address. SEOCLICK free desktop view my IP address utility in all Microsoft's Operating systems windows 7, Vista, Win XP & Win 98 as well. Now just download view my IP free tool for every users.