Windows Contacts Converter 3.0
ot able to manage your contacts in Windows Live Mail? Start using Windows Contacts Converter to successfully deal with lots of .Contact file and their contacts. Windows Contacts Converter is the fine utility to import Windows contacts to Outlook 2010, import Windows Vista contacts to Outlook. It can also import .contacts file into Outlook in bulk. You can view our website just click here and enter the site here you will get all the information about Windows Contacts Converter. Our .Contact File Converter can easily and successfully import Windows Contact to Outlook 2010, 2007 and 2003 and quickly convert respective details such as Name, E-Mail, Address, Home, Business, Family, and Notes of Contact file into PST, CSV. The program does not damage any data while converting Windows Contacts to Outlook. Windows Contacts Converter assure of a very high probability of error-free conversion as compared to other product produced by market. Well GUI built and easy-to-use tool to transfer Windows Contacts to MS Outlook. To appraise the software try its demo version after contentment, seize the benefits by losing $69.