• MetarWeather MetarWeather 1.78
    Decode METAR weather reports, and display them in a simple weather report table.
  • Lotto Combinator KS Lotto Combinator KS 01e
    Lotto Combinator KS
    The program works as free up to a maximum of 100 combinations in one click, but to get 2000 you need to register it. Just one click and the program generates your chosen number of combinations. Just one click and the program checks them.
  • Reminder KS Reminder KS 01s
    Reminder KS
    The program can display messages on the screen and speak them. Each note can be present with several messages per day.Through "Reminder KS", one secretary can serve many people in one company by saving records in files and sending them by e
  • Backup Maker KS Backup Maker KS 01s
    Backup Maker KS
    When working on any project, it is advisable to periodically make copies of it, because if an error occurs, there is no good result or other problems, you will be able to resume it very quickly. 'Backup Maker KS' makes chronological records.
  • Clock Speaker KS Clock Speaker KS 01u
    Clock Speaker KS
    This program can inform about the time of anyone: one minute, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, one hour and can visualize clock faces. Can use "Clock Speaker KS" as a music player!
  • Reminder plus Actions KS Reminder plus Actions KS 01s
    Reminder plus Actions KS
    Can display messages on the screen and speak them. From the settings, you can choose how long the message will remain on the screen. Other actions: open files (all types of files) and hibernate the computer.
  • SideBar Organizer KS SideBar Organizer KS 01s
    SideBar Organizer KS
    Works with 150 bars. With this program, you can organize all files and folders and place them on different bars. The program includes a search tool that searches by bar name. The name of the bar will be ordered in a list.
  • Automation KS Automation KS 01s
    Automation KS
    Automation commands : Move the cursor somewhere and click the left mouse button once, right mouse button once or double-click the left mouse button.| Open a folder.| Oopen a file .| Close the folder.| Close the file.| Paste previously saved text.
  • Text Editor KS Text Editor KS 01s
    Text Editor KS
    The text editor with the ability to change its own skin (also the library). Three options for saving text files:1.Usually as text files, 2. As a music file, 3. Adding to library.The text editor can speak the text. The library can be arranged.
  • Photo booth cash control system Photo booth cash control system
    Photo booth cash control system
    With the photo booth cash control system it is possible to add a cash system to the Breeze DSLR Remote Pro photo booth software (or NKRemote, or Webcam Photobooth, or PSRemote) and charge money for printing photos.
    MetarWeather MetarWeather
    Decode METAR weather reports, and display them in a simple weather report table.
    Lotto Combinator KS Lotto Combinator KS
    Lotto Combinator KS
    The program works as free up to a maximum of 100 combinations in one click, but to get 2000 you need to register it. Just one click and the program generates your chosen number of combinations. Just one click and the program checks them.
    Reminder KS Reminder KS
    Reminder KS
    The program can display messages on the screen and speak them. Each note can be present with several messages per day.Through "Reminder KS", one secretary can serve many people in one company by saving records in files and sending them by e
    Backup Maker KS Backup Maker KS
    Backup Maker KS
    When working on any project, it is advisable to periodically make copies of it, because if an error occurs, there is no good result or other problems, you will be able to resume it very quickly. 'Backup Maker KS' makes chronological records.
    Clock Speaker KS Clock Speaker KS
    Clock Speaker KS
    This program can inform about the time of anyone: one minute, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, one hour and can visualize clock faces. Can use "Clock Speaker KS" as a music player!
    Reminder plus Actions KS Reminder plus Actions KS
    Reminder plus Actions KS
    Can display messages on the screen and speak them. From the settings, you can choose how long the message will remain on the screen. Other actions: open files (all types of files) and hibernate the computer.
    SideBar Organizer KS SideBar Organizer KS
    SideBar Organizer KS
    Works with 150 bars. With this program, you can organize all files and folders and place them on different bars. The program includes a search tool that searches by bar name. The name of the bar will be ordered in a list.
    Automation KS Automation KS
    Automation KS
    Automation commands : Move the cursor somewhere and click the left mouse button once, right mouse button once or double-click the left mouse button.| Open a folder.| Oopen a file .| Close the folder.| Close the file.| Paste previously saved text.
    Text Editor KS Text Editor KS
    Text Editor KS
    The text editor with the ability to change its own skin (also the library). Three options for saving text files:1.Usually as text files, 2. As a music file, 3. Adding to library.The text editor can speak the text. The library can be arranged.
    Photo booth cash control system Photo booth cash control system
    Photo booth cash control system
    With the photo booth cash control system it is possible to add a cash system to the Breeze DSLR Remote Pro photo booth software (or NKRemote, or Webcam Photobooth, or PSRemote) and charge money for printing photos.



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