• Medjugorje Messages Medjugorje Messages 2022.1
    Medjugorje Messages
    Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje and her Messages to the World. Since 1981, the Virgin Mary has been appearing to 6 witnesses giving them heavenly messages. No Setup & No Registration required.
  • InHisVerse Bible InHisVerse Bible 2.10
    InHisVerse Bible
    Hebrew and Greek word studies made easy with InHisVerse Bible. Every word outlined with original Strong's definition with a complete concordance, so you can see how it was used in context. Discover the truths lost in translation. IHV Basic is free.
  • Taqwa - A Useful Reminder Taqwa - A Useful Reminder
    Taqwa - A Useful Reminder
    Taqwa is a simple app for reminding users that Allah is Always watching them so they can protect themselves from doing sins.
  • Islam Islam 8.00
    Holy Qur'an book from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to all people, presented in Islam software which is available in 43 Holy Qur'an translations including original Arabic text and features: search engine, search open/save, MP3 player
  • OneTouch PC Study Bible Light OneTouch PC Study Bible Light 1.0E
    OneTouch PC Study Bible Light
    OneTouch Light is a version of Biblesoft's award-winning Bible study program intended for new users who have not yet tried using our study software. It is not meant as an upgrade or replacement for earlier versions of the OneTouch or PC Study Bible.
  • Bible Underground Bible Underground
    Bible Underground
    Explore the Bible. Free Bible App. Videos. Daily Readings. A New Bible Version that is more accurate to the original Greek text in words everyone knows and understands. Articles. Search Tool. Easy for Everyone. Start exploring today.
  • Church Scheduler Church Scheduler 2.8
    Church Scheduler
    An easy-to-use database and a scheduler. Church Scheduler is a specialized software that assists churches and other religious organizations in organization and automation of daily events.
  • 4-in-1 Audio & HTML Bible 4-in-1 Audio & HTML Bible 4.0
    4-in-1 Audio & HTML Bible
    This Bible software contains four versions of Bible integrated into one. They are King James Version, New International Version, Today's New International Version, and New American Standard Bible.
  • Bible-Discovery Software Bible-Discovery Software 4.7.0
    Bible-Discovery Software
    Bible-Discovery is a Bible concordance software. It contains several Bible translations, dictionaries, tools for helping to understand the texts in the original language, bookmark handling and a parallel and comparative Bible read feature.
  • Messages de Medjugorje Messages de Medjugorje 2015.1
    Messages de Medjugorje
    Apparitions de la Vierge Marie a Medjugorje et ses Messages au Monde. Depuis 1981, la Sainte Vierge Marie paraisse a 6 temoins qui leur donnent des messages celestes. Pas d'Installation ou d'Inscription. Téléchargement alternatif webs03.com.
    Medjugorje Messages Medjugorje Messages
    Medjugorje Messages
    Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje and her Messages to the World. Since 1981, the Virgin Mary has been appearing to 6 witnesses giving them heavenly messages. No Setup & No Registration required.
    InHisVerse Bible InHisVerse Bible
    InHisVerse Bible
    Hebrew and Greek word studies made easy with InHisVerse Bible. Every word outlined with original Strong's definition with a complete concordance, so you can see how it was used in context. Discover the truths lost in translation. IHV Basic is free.
    Taqwa - A Useful Reminder Taqwa - A Useful Reminder
    Taqwa - A Useful Reminder
    Taqwa is a simple app for reminding users that Allah is Always watching them so they can protect themselves from doing sins.
    Islam Islam
    Holy Qur'an book from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to all people, presented in Islam software which is available in 43 Holy Qur'an translations including original Arabic text and features: search engine, search open/save, MP3 player
    OneTouch PC Study Bible Light OneTouch PC Study Bible Light
    OneTouch PC Study Bible Light
    OneTouch Light is a version of Biblesoft's award-winning Bible study program intended for new users who have not yet tried using our study software. It is not meant as an upgrade or replacement for earlier versions of the OneTouch or PC Study Bible.
    Bible Underground Bible Underground
    Bible Underground
    Explore the Bible. Free Bible App. Videos. Daily Readings. A New Bible Version that is more accurate to the original Greek text in words everyone knows and understands. Articles. Search Tool. Easy for Everyone. Start exploring today.
    Church Scheduler Church Scheduler
    Church Scheduler
    An easy-to-use database and a scheduler. Church Scheduler is a specialized software that assists churches and other religious organizations in organization and automation of daily events.
    4-in-1 Audio & HTML Bible 4-in-1 Audio & HTML Bible
    4-in-1 Audio & HTML Bible
    This Bible software contains four versions of Bible integrated into one. They are King James Version, New International Version, Today's New International Version, and New American Standard Bible.
    Bible-Discovery Software Bible-Discovery Software
    Bible-Discovery Software
    Bible-Discovery is a Bible concordance software. It contains several Bible translations, dictionaries, tools for helping to understand the texts in the original language, bookmark handling and a parallel and comparative Bible read feature.
    Messages de Medjugorje Messages de Medjugorje
    Messages de Medjugorje
    Apparitions de la Vierge Marie a Medjugorje et ses Messages au Monde. Depuis 1981, la Sainte Vierge Marie paraisse a 6 temoins qui leur donnent des messages celestes. Pas d'Installation ou d'Inscription. Téléchargement alternatif webs03.com.



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Salmos 1.0


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Commentary on Revelation by EW Bullinger

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