LINK has a top-level menu that is used to start one of 11 DOS audio utility programs (included). These programs are low on features, lack graphical user interfaces, and run slowly, but the algorithms are optimized to achieve high accuracy and signal quality.
These are 32-bit DOS-based programs. Input and output audio files are in
WAV audio format. There are many available alternatives to these utilities, also free,
but most of them compromise audio quality for the sake of processing speed.
For example, decent anti-aliasing filters are often not used where they are needed.
WLINK can be executed from Microsoft Windows by
double-clicking the desktop shortcut (blue guitar), or by executing WLINK.BAT directly.
(1) An uninstall utility is included.
(2) WLINK is DOS-based, but it has no problem with long filenames.
(3) To edit files with long filenames using DOS EDIT, enclose the filename
in double quotes. There is no DOS EDIT in 64-bit Windows so use Notepad.
(4) WLINK error codes are listed in C:DOSlinkmodeWLINKREADME.TXT