Wondershare DemoAir 2.0
emoAir is an easy way to record your screen and webcam to create a video message for better communication. You can use DemoAir to quickly capture your presentations with narrations, to report data to your team or demonstrate a product to customers, create online courses or training videos for blended & flipped classrooms, student assignments, and professional development, provide support with the power of video, record your screen or webcam to share your expertise, and more.
You can use DemoAir to:
- Instantly record your Desktop, Browser Tab and Webcam
- Generate a shareable link and share to anywhere you word
- Share with Gmail to avoid prolix text
- Share to Google Classroom, Gmail, GitHub, Jira, Slack, Asana and Trello with no time.
- You can also download recordings as Webm or Mp4 formats to watch them at any time.