WPF Gantt Controls 3.5
he GanttControl fully exercises the power of the WPF platform and extends you very rich and customizable visualization and interactive capabilities with great graphics and animation. Written natively for WPF, the control is light weight and high performing. Unlike ASP.NET and other web based solutions, it’s very rich! But, it also provides the cross platform support with support for varying browsers (IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Google Chrome, etc, you name it!) and many operating systems. Easily bind a database table or for that matter any list with the GanttControl. Mapping your data source fields to the control’s is easily done declaratively in XAML. Binding to ADO.NET data services based data sources is fully supported. Or even persist data in XML files. You can even consume data from Microsoft Project XML files.Easily Indent and Outdent tasks to change their parent-child relationship. Also move one or more tasks, up or down within the list easily via drag and drop. Context sensitive tooltips and information popups provide excellent usability to your end-users. Easily visualize activities that are part of the critical path to help you determine which activities could cause delays in your project completion. End-user can easily track and drag adjust the progress of a task with an embedded progress bar. A rich interactive UI based on standards like Microsoft Project, is also fully customizable via properties and custom templates. Custom adorners support helps you render anything you want on the task bars via templates. The control is fully culture aware and the internal text used is easily localizable. The gantt chart supports varying customizable time line headers. Use one or more of day, week, month or year based time line headers. Include customizable special day markers to indicate deadlines, milestones, etc in the time line. A “Today” line is presented by default.