Wspornik słupowy wg PN-EN 1992-1-1 1.0
alculating reinforced concrete corbel to EC2
- 2 calculation methods: S&T (Strut & Tie) and beam method
- 3 possible shapes
- 5 possible reinforcement types
- real time modelling of corbel (shape, calculation model, reinforcement)
- all calculations precise, with all factors and recommendations of EC2
- report creation in MS Word
- saving/reading data to/from a file
- reading of steel grades from a text file (you can add your own steel grades)
- free update
- lifetime license.
Shareware version limitations:
- saving data disabled
- only 2 concrete types: C12/15, C16/20
- initial sizing disabled
- change of overhang disabled
- change of load (FEd, HEd) disabled