Zeus 1.5
powerful molecular visualisation tool supporting PDB/Brookhaven, MOL, MOL2/SYBYL and XYZ file formats. It incorporates a sophisticated rendering engine that can output very high quality molecular graphics. Zeus incorporates Sequence Search/Highlighting within the molecular structure with Wildcard capability. A residue keypad allows easy entry of sequences. PDB files can be automatically downloaded from the RSC.org (Protein Databank).
Supported graphics rendering modes: Wireframe, Ball and Stick, Ball and Wire, Cylinders, Triangular Tubes, Square Tubes, and Space-filling (which uses Van der waal’s Radii to size atoms appropriately). These can be applied to sections of the molecular structure.
Peptide/Nucleic structure can be "cartoonised" using 3d Ribbon based on Bernstein bezier curves depicting molecular backbone structure.
Flexible colour configuration allows selection of invididual Atom colours by element, support for background gradient colours and colouring of residues by type.