• Satori Satori 2.0
    This is a faithful reproduction of the original Satori screen saver from the popular screen saver of the 90s, After Dark. Satori was included in After Dark 2.0 and 3.0. Satori displays beautiful patterns on your Macintosh screen.
  • Abstract Art Abstract Art 1.0
    Abstract Art
    This screensaver is from Denice Lewis, an abstract artist who creates original works with passion and charisma.
    Satori Satori
    This is a faithful reproduction of the original Satori screen saver from the popular screen saver of the 90s, After Dark. Satori was included in After Dark 2.0 and 3.0. Satori displays beautiful patterns on your Macintosh screen.
    Abstract Art Abstract Art
    Abstract Art
    This screensaver is from Denice Lewis, an abstract artist who creates original works with passion and charisma.



Latest Screen Savers: Art Software


This is a faithful reproduction of the original Satori screen saver from the popular screen saver of the 90s, After Dark. Satori was included in After Dark 2.0 and 3.0. Satori displays beautiful patterns on your Macintosh screen.

Abstract Art
Abstract Art
Abstract Art

Abstract Art 1.0


This screensaver is from Denice Lewis, an abstract artist who creates original works with passion and charisma.